
This is a digital forum for interaction and reflection between our leadership and its community, focused on topics of interest to all. It will reflect the voice and personal views of the Marymount Director, Dr. Anabella Martínez.


It is a commonly held belief that motivation wins over procrastination; if you are motivated enough to do something, you will not procrastinate. In April 2020, I decided to start writing a blog for the Marymount Barranquilla community: students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumni, as a means of keeping them connected with the progress of MM 2023. I wrote it and launched it. I quickly realized that I needed student input to reach them; I put a call out for students and got an interesting response. With a group of 10-12 high school students, we worked on a plan for a student-led blog where we would engage in collaborative writing. We came up with a name: Marymount Mind Mapping, and a logo . We came short in the format and design; they thought it needed to be more appealing to students. A subset of students had committed to redesigning, and it did not happen. The pandemic hit, reorganizing a school to provide online learning became a priority, and I stopped there. But motivation does win over procrastination! I am relaunching MM Mind Mapping as a forum to share thoughts and reflections with the Marymount Barranquilla community in our journey as we grow together to be the leaders educating leaders. , and why not with a broader audience interested in the topics to be addressed

Topic 4: Fostering a coherent educational journey



Click the image below to listen to the podcast

In a School ,  educational coherence provides a clear and unified path for both students and educators, guiding them towards common goals and objectives. It ensures that learning experiences are meaningful, purposeful, and relevant to the school's mission. 

At Marymount Barranquilla, nurturing a coherent educational journey for students aligned with the Marymount Way is paramount. This journey ensures that every aspect of the educational experience, from curriculum design to classroom practices, reflects our core values and mission. It emphasizes the holistic development of students, fostering their intellectual, spiritual, and emotional growth. 

Furthermore, a coherent educational journey rooted in the Marymount Way fosters a sense of belonging and community within our school. It strengthens the bonds between students, educators, and families, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. It reaffirms our commitment to nurturing compassionate leaders and agents of change who embody the values of our institution.

Over the past seven decades, Marymount Barranquilla has flourished thanks to the unwavering dedication of our community. As we adapt to societal, economic, and technological changes, our commitment to The Marymount Way remains resolute. With a clear vision for the future, as demonstrated through initiatives like Marymount Mission 2023 and now Marymount Mission 2026, we are devoted to creating inclusive, innovative learning environments that empower our students to thrive.

As part of this ongoing journey, we recently conducted an insightful interview with Brad Choyt, a consultant from BQI (Big Questions Institute), regarding the scope of our current strategic plan MM 2026. Its primary objective is to create a SHERR-driven educational experience that empowers students to have a transformative life project in a globalized society.

Learn more about BIG QUESTIONS INSTITUTE and how schools around the world educate, lead, and prepare in these challenging times to create a more just, relevant, healthy, and sustainable experience of school for your students, in this podcast.

We also invite you to join us in this next chapter of Marymount Barranquilla's story, MM 2026,  where we embrace fearless inquiry and a growth mindset to inspire authentically engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Together, let us empower our students to embody the essence of the Marymount Way, today and beyond.


Topic 3 Differences Bring Us Together - Sept 22

We shared an enriching conversation between School Directors, Anabella Martínez (Marymount Barranquilla) and Mónica Recio (Colegio Hebreo Unión), discussing how differences can strengthen our bonds. In our diverse world, they emphasized the importance of fostering understanding and tolerance among students.

Differences Bring Us Together

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